General Joining Rules
- Make sure your idea of a clan conforms to our idea of a clan.
- Make sure you follow the General Guidelines
- Don't be part of another editing-clan. (Why?) You can still be part of a fragging clan.
- You must have a good reputation.
- It is your responsibility to convince clan members to support you. Don't complain if you were ignored.
Skills Required
Either of these skills is required.
Mapping Skills
You must have creations or entire map projects in order to present your skills. If you see they are on par with other maps that we have you are on the right track. Present your creations and maps in the best way possible, to increase your chances, this means both screenshots and ogz files.
Programming Skills
Show us projects that you have made, your source code repository, your work. Members that are familiar with this stuff will be interested.
Other Skills
As long as it is creative, which means anything related to Cube 2 that's not fighting. We will sympathize.